How To Get Musty Smell Out Of Stuffed Animals

How To Get Musty Smell Out Of Stuffed Animals


we understand the importance of keeping stuffed animals fresh and odor-free. We have extensive experience in eliminating musty smells from various types of fabric and materials. In this article, we will share our expert tips and techniques to help you get rid of musty odors from your beloved stuffed animals. With our comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to restore your stuffed animals to their original freshness and ensure they remain a source of joy for years to come.

To remove musty smells from stuffed animals, try these steps: surface clean, expose them to fresh air and sunlight, use odor-absorbing materials, freeze, and consider gentle washing.

Understanding Musty Smells

Musty smells can develop in stuffed animals due to various factors, such as prolonged storage in damp environments, exposure to moisture, or infrequent cleaning. These unpleasant odors are often caused by the growth of mold and mildew, which thrive in moist conditions. It’s essential to address the underlying cause of the musty smell and take appropriate measures to eliminate it effectively.

How To Get Musty Smell Out Of Stuffed Animals:

Step 1: Surface Cleaning

Start by giving the stuffed animal a thorough surface cleaning to remove any loose dirt or dust. Use a soft brush or a lint roller to gently remove debris from the surface. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as it may damage the fabric or loosen any stitched parts.

Step 2: Spot Testing

Before proceeding with any cleaning method, it’s crucial to spot-test a small, inconspicuous area of the stuffed animal to ensure that the cleaning solution doesn’t cause any discoloration or damage. Choose a hidden part of the toy, such as an inside seam or an inconspicuous area on the back, and apply a small amount of the cleaning solution. Wait for a few minutes and check for any adverse reactions.

Step 3: Fresh Air and Sunlight

Sunlight and fresh air are natural deodorizers and can help eliminate musty smells from stuffed animals. Find a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors, and place the stuffed animal in direct sunlight for a few hours. Ensure that the toy is protected from direct sunlight to prevent any fading or discoloration. The combination of sunlight and fresh air will help eliminate odors and inhibit the growth of mold and mildew.

Step 4: Freezing Method

The freezing method is an effective way to kill any lingering odor-causing bacteria or mold spores. Place the stuffed animal in a sealable plastic bag and put it in the freezer for at least 24 hours. The low temperatures will effectively kill off any microorganisms responsible for the musty smell. After the freezing process, remove the toy from the bag and let it gradually return to room temperature.

Step 5: Odor Absorbing Materials

To further eliminate musty odors, you can utilize various odor-absorbing materials. Place the stuffed animal in a large container or bag with one or more of the following:

  • Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda generously over the toy, ensuring that it covers the entire surface. Leave it overnight to absorb the odors, then vacuum or brush off the excess baking soda the next day.
  • Activated Charcoal: Place a small bowl or pouch filled with activated charcoal near the stuffed animal. Activated charcoal has excellent odor-absorbing properties and can help neutralize musty smells.
  • Coffee Grounds: Fill a breathable bag or sock with coffee grounds and tie it securely. Coffee grounds can help absorb and mask unpleasant odors, leaving a subtle coffee scent behind.

Step 6: Gentle Washing

If the stuffed animal is machine washable, you can proceed with a gentle washing method. Use a mild detergent suitable for delicate fabrics and set the machine to a gentle cycle with cold water. Place the toy in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase to protect it during the wash. Avoid using excessive agitation or high-speed spinning, as it may damage the toy. After washing, allow the stuffed animal to air dry completely.

Step 7: Scented Sachets

Once the musty odor has been eliminated, you can add a pleasant scent to the stuffed animal using scented sachets. Choose a fragrance that complements the toy and place the sachet inside a breathable bag or pocket. Avoid direct contact between the scented sachet and the toy to prevent any potential staining. The scented sachet will provide a refreshing aroma and help maintain the freshness of the stuffed animal.


By following our comprehensive guide, you can effectively eliminate musty smells from your cherished stuffed animals. Remember to take preventive measures to avoid future odors, such as storing the toys in a dry environment and cleaning them regularly. With proper care and maintenance, your stuffed animals will remain fresh and enjoyable companions for a long time.

FAQs – Fixing Smelly Stuffed Animals:

How do you fix a smelly stuffed animal?

To fix a smelly stuffed animal, follow these steps:

  1. Surface Cleaning: Use a soft brush or lint roller to remove loose dirt and debris from the surface.
  2. Spot Testing: Test a small, hidden area with a cleaning solution to ensure it doesn’t cause damage.
  3. Fresh Air and Sunlight: Place the toy in a well-ventilated area outdoors, allowing sunlight and fresh air to eliminate odors.
  4. Freezing Method: Seal the stuffed animal in a plastic bag and freeze it for at least 24 hours to kill odor-causing bacteria.
  5. Odor Absorbing Materials: Try placing the toy with baking soda, activated charcoal, or coffee grounds to absorb and neutralize odors.
  6. Gentle Washing: If safe for the toy, the machine washes it with a mild detergent on a gentle cycle and air dry completely.
  7. Scented Sachets: Add a pleasant scent by placing scented sachets near the stuffed animal, avoiding direct contact to prevent staining.

Can you get a mildew smell out of stuffed animals?

Yes, you can eliminate a mildew smell from stuffed animals. Start by surface cleaning the toy, then follow the steps mentioned above, such as using fresh air and sunlight, the freezing method, odor-absorbing materials, gentle washing (if applicable), and scented sachets. These methods effectively neutralize mildew smells and restore freshness to the stuffed animal.

What neutralizes musty smell?

Several methods can neutralize musty smells, including:

  • Fresh Air and Sunlight: Ventilating the area and exposing items to sunlight helps eliminate musty odors.
  • Baking Soda: Sprinkling baking soda on surfaces and leaving it for some time absorbs and neutralizes odors.
  • Vinegar: Mixing vinegar with water and using it as a cleaning solution can neutralize musty smells.
  • Activated Charcoal: Placing activated charcoal near the source of the odor absorbs and eliminates musty smells.
  • Coffee Grounds: Coffee grounds can mask musty odors and provide a more pleasant scent.

How do you get the smell out of stuffed animals without washing them?

If you want to remove the smell from stuffed animals without washing them, try the following methods:

  • Fresh Air and Sunlight: Place the toy in a well-ventilated area outdoors, allowing sunlight and fresh air to help eliminate the smell.
  • Odor Absorbing Materials: Use baking soda, activated charcoal, or coffee grounds to absorb and neutralize the odor.
  • Scented Sachets: Place scented sachets near the stuffed animal to add a pleasant scent and mask the odor.

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